Below is a copy of the letter I mailed to my Senator.  Senator Oroho voted against the New Jersey Conversion Therapy Law.  I honestly thought the Senator would support me in changing this law.  I did not hear back from the Senator.  Instead I heard back from his Chief of Staff.  I posted the disappointing response below.

PDF_BLOG_my letter_OROHO



(Mr. Spatola’s response):
We appreciate your correspondence and agree with the concerns you raise regarding the gender orientation legislation that was passed in the state.  Senator Oroho voted against the measure, but regretfully was among a distinct minority in the State Legislature who did not agree with curtailing parental choice in the care of one’s own children.  Being that the legislative majority is still controlled by the same Democrat leaders who pushed for the gender orientation law, we do not foresee any changes being made to the existing statute.

We wish that our assessment could be more favorable, but the political reality is that the law will remain the same under the present leadership in the State Legislature.


Jeffrey L. Spatola
Chief of Staff
Senator Steven V. Oroho
District 24, Sussex-Warren-Morris Counties
One Wilson Drive, Suite 2B
Sparta, NJ 07871
ph. (973) 300-0200
fax (973) 300-1744


Mr. Spatola, Chief of Staff’s response is not acceptable.  We cannot allow innocent children to be lead down the path of transition.  The legislative majority must be educated on this subject.