Help us get our stories read. Our transgender-identifying children have been harmed by physicians, therapists, schools, colleges, and clinics. Please call the Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee on MONDAY, APRIL 1ST. You do not need to leave your name. You are just a concerned citizen. It's imperative our stories be read during the hearing.


VIDEO: I was on the “On Fire Show” with Daryl M. Brooks. PART 1 & 2

Governor Phil Murphy has signed a law allowing LGBTQ history to be taught to our children in schools. I feel this is an opportunity for gender ideology to be pushed onto our kids, further confusing them. Once children start to question their biological sex we cannot help them feel comfortable in their bodies. Why? Because the NJ Conversion therapy law will lead them down a path of transition. Join us at the Man and…

Continue ReadingVIDEO: I was on the “On Fire Show” with Daryl M. Brooks. PART 1 & 2

I met Governor Chris Christie today

I met Governor Chris Christie today. I appreciated the few minutes he gave me. I told him I never received a response to the letter I sent him. He apologized and said he would read the my blog and get back to me.Governor, I've attached a copy of the letter I mailed to your office.  I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Crystal

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